Saturday, August 10, 2019

New Inspiration - Life Changing, Magic of Tidying

I heard people talking about Kodo Marie and her books; Life Changing, Magic of Tidying

People said that it is not how-to book for housework. It's the psychological how-to change your life; get rid of old selves and knowing yourself on what is your Spark Joy.

I want to have a change, new chapter of life. I want to know myself more. I'm, kind like, busy in day-to-day life and be blank on what is actually will spark my joy!

It's interesting, isn't it?
So, I brought the book yesterday.

The first thing first that this book recommend before start sorting/get rid of things and tidy up, is to think about the life that you would like to live.
Consider what are the joy of your life on earth is the key that help you truly know yourselves
If you could not answer, specifically, on how is the life that you want to life and how the house that spark your joy look like, please do not start the work!

At beginning, I'm blank. No answer.
However, after asking myself and think Why-Why, writing what I think step by step....
In less than 24 hrs, here is what I want to live!
Having Peace & Joy & Add Value (be the blessing)
And this is what I want my house to be!
Light & Airy & Clean & Space for freedom, learning and experiment

I decide that I will tidy my house follow Konmari's way!
I took BEFORE Photo of my home today, and my Birthday in 2020 will be deadline to complete the mission.

Here is part of my note on the house that I want it to be;

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Is this the beginning of my new life chapter?

Long time to update...

Many years ago, I asked god for new chapter of life when I saw life of people around me have gone through new chapter. It has been so long that I'm in this chapter, I think.

In  fact, there have been changes in this life chapter...
I had my own house, got promotion, got new car, etc. But I feel unchanged.

The past year, there were things new in my life, that I feel changed.

I really be able to stop loving someone, and completely remove him out of my heart that I feel nothing now. He is very different person to me now. No pain at all.

Someone has come into my life, surprisingly. It was almost love at fist sight but it was not.
He is dangerous for my faith. I should run away from him but almost a year now that I could not remove him from my life. I was struggle but now I'm getting better and be able to handle rightly in our relationship.

I past year, I got big test on my career. Exactly one year ago, I realized that my position is insecure. Right after prayer, headhunter contacted me. I seriously consider about my next career. Eventually, it sum up that I have to choose between the dream job I want as project management type of work and operational work - specialist or generalist. I choose generalist. Career is no longer my everything. Having Career as generalist will wider job opportunity for me. About 6 months after I decided, there were job opportunity in operation for me. Everything that seem difficult for movement went smoothly. Starting 2016, I has been working as planner. Working in the day-to-day operation brought change to my life - I have to adjust myself quite a lot.

Since end of last year until now, I'm thinking for quitting BSF - that things that I have done for 10 years and serve as Children Leader for 7 years. I don't know real reason why I have this thinking. I just feel more joy when I think about more free time that I can do things that I used to do and want to do.

I want to have time to relax and read bible in any passage I want. Having to free thought after reading the bible, not thinking in the big frame of BSF. I want the moment that I enjoy the words.I want to go back to the time I used to be when I first believe. I want to be back to my first love.

Is this the beginning of my new life chapter?

Monday, February 2, 2015

The answer is...

I have questions in my mind... cannot understand myself and so confuse... What I should react? What I should feel?

God gives me a heart to care for someone and his family. I keep them in my pray. 

Recently, I goes extra miles to take little actions to care for his parents. 

I got confuse... As the world standard... When we did good things or show extra care to someone.. We should get something back such as the good feel with gratitue or the closer bonding relationship... However, I got nothing. The extra miles I goes seem nothing in return. He seem perceive nothing as I have not done extra miles. 

Thanks god for answer me and clear my mind.

The answer god gives me is...
"Yes, this means uncondition love"
The love and care to others in Christ. Love by action to care one and others. Love without condition, even they don't value or recognis your love & care and the extra miles you took at all. 

Thanks god for give me this loving heart. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

"You are not to do what you want"

This morning, I talked to god that I waste my time cruising on FB more than the time I read bible and pray. 

I am as others in today world. We are so busy. Whenever we have time, we usually spent it on social network. We keep saying to ourselves that "Yes! We deserve it. We needs relaxing time"

All right, this is what bible verse today O got

Galatians 5:16-17 NIV
[16] So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. [17] For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

Thanks god for telling me that the correct way to live is... "not to do whatever you want"

Friday, January 2, 2015

Begin the Year with Thanks

Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
1 Chronicles 16:10

Thanks God and all glory be to Him for His blessing in 2014.
It was the year of learning...

Once I submit all, He turns the worst to best!

  • Since H2/2013, my work was at worst. A lot of pressure. It seems that I have to recover the worst and bad reputation of team, and rebuilt it. There were many tears. H1/2014, I was thinking seriously of quit the job, and doing something else. 
  • God gave me the learning. I have to submit all to Him. The learning is about "How" my mind should be when I really say I submit to Him All.
  • It was up to the point I said to God, "please please decide for me. I don't want, at all, to think about it. Whatever you decide, I will take".
  • Then, He closed the open door for new job and completely turn my work situation. 
  • The job, that I went for interview and thought I would get, turns silence. Eventually, there was rumor that the company may be sold. Thanks God. It proofs that He really cares for me and I don't know all things.
  • Don't know why but my works got well accept; several recognition and rewards, which up to the point I say "It is more than enough" Yes, it is all by Him and all glory be to Him.

Once I submit all, He gives me freedom!

  • It is about 5 years that my mind has been with someone who has never been with me more than friend. 
  • I keep praying and waiting and waiting. I am in the mist that nothing is clear. There are so many unknowns. God has not yet given me clear answer. He lets me be as I am.
  • In 2014, on his birthday, I realized that I was the slave. My heart has been in trouble because the expectation that has never been met. Yes, no body but god can fill my soul.
  • God gives me lesson of Yonah... [Jonah 4:9-10] But God said to Jonah, "Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?" "It is", he said. "And I'm so angry I wish I were dead." But the Lord said, "You have been concerned about this plant, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight.
  • I give up all when I submit. Whatever God will bless me, I will accept. I trust in Him and His plan.
  • I have freedom now! Thanks God! He gives me new perspective. Thank god for giving me the loving heart and the desire to pray for him. It is the precious thing that I shall keep. 
  • I have freedom to interact with him without expectation. Even, there would have nothing in return, I have peace and joy in seeing he has joy and continues to stand firm in faith. God loves him and I so much. He will bless us the suitable helper (as His intention when He created Eve for Adam)
  • I am now out of (his unintentional) game!

I have never heard God's voice but He always guide me!

  • I was wonder, what is His will? What does He want me to do or to be? 
  • Sometimes, I confuse. I didn't dare to think or to initiate thing.
  • Thanks god. Someone told me... He has never heard God's voice but God always leads and guides him. This is how God is with him.
  • Yes, it is. I look back and Wowww.. Yes, God is with me all year long. He answers my prayers, even in small things or what I prayed long time ago and have already forgot.
  • Yes, He always be with me and guide me. May God helps me to be able to accept with peace and joy when things go out of my plan, my control or I face disappointment. May god helps me to stand firm in faith, have loving heart, be gentle in actions and speaking, have patience, endurance and be still.
I know 2015 will be another good year because God is with me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Looking back, it is the life's journey

So long time that I keep the blog without update. Having a time today, to fixing the missing link and renew the blog, I read through the old blogs... since end of 2007 when I started this blog.

I saw the change in my... I saw my life's journey.
Yes, this is how wonderful the blog is.

I think you will be surprise (as me) on how your life have gone through the journey ^_^

Friday, May 4, 2012

My BSF record

2007 Philippians (pilot class BKK EW)
2007 Ruth (pilot class BKK EW)
2007-2008 Matthew
2008-2009 The Life of Moses
2009-2010 John (as CL)
2010-2011 Isaiah (as CL)
2011-2012 The Acts of the Apostles ( as CL)
2012-2013 The Book of Genesis (as CL)
2013-2014 Matthew (as CL)
2014-2015 The Life of Moses (as CL)
2015-2016 Revelation (as CL)
2016-2018 On Break
2018-2019 People of the Promised Land part 1 (as CL)
2019-2020 Acts and Letters of the Apostles (as CL)
2020-2021 The Book of Genesis (as CL)
2021-2022 Matthew (as CL)
2022-2023 People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided (as CL)
2023-2024 The Gospel of John