Saturday, August 10, 2019

New Inspiration - Life Changing, Magic of Tidying

I heard people talking about Kodo Marie and her books; Life Changing, Magic of Tidying

People said that it is not how-to book for housework. It's the psychological how-to change your life; get rid of old selves and knowing yourself on what is your Spark Joy.

I want to have a change, new chapter of life. I want to know myself more. I'm, kind like, busy in day-to-day life and be blank on what is actually will spark my joy!

It's interesting, isn't it?
So, I brought the book yesterday.

The first thing first that this book recommend before start sorting/get rid of things and tidy up, is to think about the life that you would like to live.
Consider what are the joy of your life on earth is the key that help you truly know yourselves
If you could not answer, specifically, on how is the life that you want to life and how the house that spark your joy look like, please do not start the work!

At beginning, I'm blank. No answer.
However, after asking myself and think Why-Why, writing what I think step by step....
In less than 24 hrs, here is what I want to live!
Having Peace & Joy & Add Value (be the blessing)
And this is what I want my house to be!
Light & Airy & Clean & Space for freedom, learning and experiment

I decide that I will tidy my house follow Konmari's way!
I took BEFORE Photo of my home today, and my Birthday in 2020 will be deadline to complete the mission.

Here is part of my note on the house that I want it to be;

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