Monday, April 13, 2009

My Piano

In early November 2008, I wrote about "I want to play the piano??"

It is one of my dream to have and play piano.
At that time, I wrote about I hesitated to take piano course because of tuition and there is no course fit me. I got only discouragements.

At the end, I realize that it is not about piano but change in my life.... I have hope and dream. I have completed life.

.... and the time goes by....

Recently, my church announced for a program, "worship workshop".
There is basis piano course open!!!!

WOWW... god has prepared it for me.
I sign up for this workshop. It is 10 weeks-course. The class will start next Saturday.

It is not about I can attend the piano course with free tuition but to experience what would be when god has prepared for me.

I got many encouragements this time. There is full support from every one. All information about piano I need are available. Every things I need come at the right time.

And now, I already brought piano!!! Here is mine... KORG SP250.

I learn how to pay from the book by myself.
I practice it every day, as preparation before start the course.
Every thing is go well. I can play several easy songs now.

Thanks God for these...
Thanks him for all he has prepared for me.

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